Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What happens when NASA partners with Google? A quantum computer

Solving some of the most complicated technological problems on or off this planet is what NASA and Google do best. Now, together, they are creating machines to exceed normal computing ability by 100 million times.
Google and D-Wave, a quantum-computing firm, are developing a new computer that that are next to impossible to solve on conventional computers at the NASA Ames campus in Mountain View, Calif., Bloomberg reported.
"We have already encountered problems we would like to solve that are unfeasible with conventional computers,” John Giannandrea, an engineering vice president at Google, said at a press conference Tuesday. “We want to understand the future that may lie ahead of us in non-conventional computing."

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Samantha Cristoforetti: Six things to do when bored in space

Samantha Cristoforetti

Three astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) have returned to Earth.
One of the astronauts, Samantha Cristoforetti from Italy, has even set a world record.
She has spent the longest time in space than any other woman on a single mission.
Here's a list of six things Samantha has been doing during her extraordinary time in space

Samantha has been on the ISS with her crewmates, Anton Shkaplerov and Terry Virts, the commander of Expedition 43.
The ISS offers three state-of-the-art laboratories where research and experiments can be done without gravity.
Samantha's work in space is devoted to science and maintaining the weightless research centre.
It's definitely not the worst job in the universe!